Free Masterclass

Transformational Intimacy... about being in service of love. Being in service of something bigger than yourself, even than your relationship. It’s as if your devotion to love THROUGH your relationship could inspire the future and heal the past. 

The topic for this months Masterclass is: 

Healing Love ~ A Two Part Series

Part One: Healing Him 

When your man is struggling, this is the time when he most needs your feminine gifts. The feminine has an innate way of bringing nourishment and healing that the masculine deeply longs for. Your gifts include the truth of your heart, your sharp, loving feedback and more…

But instead of bringing this nourishment most women fall into the trap of getting resentful, hardening and amplifying their own inner masculine. Or going into the role of caretaking mother. Which almost certainly shuts your man down more.

Learning how to love and heal your man back into his core is an art!

It takes practice and consistency. 

Come practice with us! 

In this masterclass you will discover: 

  • What nourishes and heals the masculine

  • How you can be devoted to his healing rather than resent him

  • How to tend to your own needs when your man is struggling

  • How to be devoted to his need for space instead of judging him for it 

  • How to love and tend to your man as if he just came home from battle

  • What are the gifts of the feminine 

A Free Masterclass with Sarah Entrup and Travis Streb

Thursday, February 29th 6pm-8pm PT

  • This class is for men, women, non-binary, couples & singles.

  • Like all of our classes all sexual orientations are always welcome! 

  • This Free Masterclass will take place on Zoom.

  • Once you Sign Up, you’ll get an e-mail with all the details within 48 hours.

  • If you cannot make the live call, the recording will be sent out to those who register. 


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