Introduction to Sacred Intimacy

Introduction to Sacred Intimacy

Three-Part Masterclass Series

This Three-Part Masterclass Series will give you the foundational understanding, practical tools and a place to ask questions in service of creating or maintaining a relationship that inspires you… A relationship that is grounded in reality, but also one that is full of mutual devotion, humanity and full sexual expression. 

This Three-Part Series will cover the following:

  • The Three Pillars of Sacred Intimacy

  • Embodiment 101: Creating harmony and aliveness in the Mind, Body and Heart 

  • The Nervous System: Yours, Your Partner’s and how they work together 

  • Two Key Relationships: You and You, You and your Partner

  • Demystifying Devotion (and how to be devotional without losing yourself in the process) 

  • The Art of Repair: Tools for when things break down

  • Polarity: What it is. How to use it. How NOT to use it. When to use it. When NOT to use it.

At the end of the 3-sessions, you will be able to:

  • Create a relationship dynamic that is rooted in mutual devotion

  • Repair relationship rifts through a proven, repeatable communication framework

  • Use your body, heart and mind to give and receive love

  • Regulate and resolve your own nervous system and that of a partner 

  • Turn mundane moments into deep connection with your partner 

  • Create an experience of deeply satisfying turn on 

  • Evoke the best from yourself and your partner  

The cost of Introduction to Sacred Intimacy is $22

Dates and times for this offering will be shared shortly.


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